07 November, 2010

A little 'holiday'

You may (or may not!) have noticed that my posts have been a little far and few between of late. The demands of my two 'full time' jobs (mother and uni lecturer). Unfortunately due to some looming deadlines at work I am going to have to take a little 'holiday' from blogging for a while and will be back to 'normal' (as normal as I will ever be!) in January.

I have some great posts planned for next year, including a little homage to my very first (and favourite) vintage icon - Molly Ringwald (remember those great outfits she wore in Pretty in Pink? Fab!).

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and I will see you in the New Year.

Lots of vintage love
Vintage Suburbia x


  1. Happy Christmas to you too and don't stress yourself out too much over the silly season!
    Hope you have a nice 'holiday' :-DDD

  2. Have a great Christmas and I hope you get some time to rest and relax soon!
    PS. I chose your blog for an award on my blog :)

  3. Ok (sigh) having only just clicked 'follow' I will just have to wait. Shall we talk next year VS? I do hope so. jx
